
Qwik provides a context API, which solves the problem of props drilling and it is very similar to React's functional useContext(). In fact, Qwik's context API is the most efficient way to pass down the data to different components, reducing overhead, generating less code, and allowing Qwik to treeshake unused data more heavily.

Qwik's context API is made of 3 methods, importable from


Let's make a global context which holds the state of the theme used by user and this can be accessed by any component down the component tree. Here, root.tsx file will act as the Parent component and other files/pages will be the Child component.

At the same time, the Child component is rendering a button and h2 tag, creating a reactive subscription that will re-render when the Child changes the value in the click handler: <button onClick$={() => { themeStore.theme = 'dark' }}>.

// file: src/root.tsx
import {
} from '';

export type Theme = 'dark' | 'light';

// Create a new context descriptor
export const ThemeContext = createContextId<Theme>('');

export default component$(() => {
  // Creating reactive storage
  const themeStore = useSignal<Theme>('dark');

  // Assigning value (state) to the context (ThemeContext)
  useContextProvider(ThemeContext, themeStore)

  return (
    // default config

// file: src/components/header/header.tsx
export default component$(() => {

  // Get reference to state using ThemeContext
  const theme = useContext(ThemeContext);

    .dark {
      color: white;
      background: black;
    .white {
      color: black;
      background: white;

  return (
      <h1 class={theme.value}>
        {theme.value === 'dark' ? 'Welcome to dark side' : 'This component is light themed'}
        onClick$={() => {
          theme.value == 'light'
            ? (theme.value = 'dark')
            : (theme.value = 'light');
        Change Theme

Let's dig into every API involved:



This method is used to create a new ContextId.

export interface GenericType {

export const QwikCityContext = createContextId<GenericType>(name: string): ContextId<GenericType>;


  • name: it is a unique string given to createContextId as an identifier of context. This will avoid conflicts when there are multiple contexts. It is advised to use a naming convention like


Notice that the value returned by createContextId() does not hold any state, it is a immutable object i.e. { id: '' }. It's only used to describe the name and type of the context, like an address or an identifier.

Since, it does not hold any state, it's ok to call it and make it a singleton, exported in some shared module.


  • This method is used to create a Context for a specific component and its descendants, using the ContextId as the key identifier of the context.

  • As all use- methods it is used at the root of the component$().

export const Parent = component$(() => {

  const qwikCityObject = useStore<GenricType>({

  useContextProvider(QwikCityContext, qwikCityObject);

  useContextProvider(PlainArrayContext, [1, 2, 3])

  useContextProvider(AppNameContext, "My Qwik App")

  return (
      <Children />


  • ContextId: A previously created Context must be supplied which will serve as an identifier for the data being provided (second parameter).

  • data: you can provide any data type like Qwik's useSignal, useStore, Array, Objects.


  • The provided value will not be globally available across the whole render tree, but only to descendant components in the tree.


This method is used to get the value of Context which is provided by Parent Component.

export const Children = component$(() => {
  const qwikCityObject = useContext(QwikCityContext);
  const plainArray = useContext(PlainArrayContext);
  const appName = useContext(AppNameContext);

  return (
      <div>Child components can use any of the provided values, such as {appName}</div>
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